ISO 9001:2015 – QMS at Action
ISO 9001:2015 is the Quality Management System “Standard” published by International Organization for Standardization [ISO]. The scene behind the development of ISO 9001 QMS is to build a common platform to understand, follow, and achieve the best practices for the delivery of Quality Service or Products. The Standards is composed of effective methodologies that will bring real action to process-oriented business.
The ISO 9001:2015 is written based on the PDCA cycle concept. The PDCA concept is proven and widely accepted by millions of business owners to smoother their business operations without any discrepancies in the quality of services/products. PDCA is an iterative management tool that used by business owners and entrepreneurs to ensure control and continual improvements in delivering the services or final products. Known as Deming Cycle, PDCA is the short form for PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACTION.
PLAN: Planning is the first step to identify the objectives or methodologies before initiating any project or Process. Without a proper plan, it is very difficult and impossible to achieve your business goals. Clause 6 in ISO 9001:2015 addresses “Planning”, by defining the management responsibilities.
DO: After proper planning, the phase DO is about getting into action. By allocating the right resources with the desired tasks make it happen. After completing the work or tasks, the output data will be collected.
CHECK: Once the work has done, now it’s to verify the actual facts vs expected facts. With the help of the data collected by completing the tasks, actuals variations will be calculated, and identify the solutions to improve the methods and create the strategies to overcome the errors. Keeping the data in charts, one can verify the differences. Like this solutions will be identified.
ACT: The process is initiated again to ensure the identified solutions are viable or to be improved further to get the best results. After getting the best and effective results and methodologies, it is time to ensure the process flow is effective and without any deviations. More strategies will be identified in the phase for continual improvements. The future projections will be made to easier the process and improve the results of outcomes.
All above-mentioned management techniques are defined in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard to ease the business process and to ensure customer satisfaction by delivering quality services and products. One can see the real action of the ISO 9001:2015 QMS by implementing the system into their core management. QMS is widely accepted and implemented in millions of companies, they have seen the positive changes and expressed that the QMS is the best approach for building Sustainable Business.
Currently, there are more than 10,00,000 companies around the globe that successfully implemented the QMS system and it is believed that the number will be doubled in the next 5 years.
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